Mi. 04.05.2022


Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Start: 20:00 Uhr
Preis: 24,00€ zzgl. Gebühren
Veranstalter: Prime Entertainment GmbH
Tickets kaufen

Kein Nachholtermin, Tickets können dort zurückgegeben werden, wo sie gekauft wurden.


In light of PVRIS postponing their tour, i am super sad to say that i won’t be able to play the UK and EU later this month. my team and i tried our hardest to make it work, but financially and logistically we weren’t able to ?. promoters will be reaching out regarding refunds. i know a lot of yall were looking forward to these gigs and i was too, but i’m planning to be back with my best show yet in 2023. love you & miss you & thank you for your understanding.



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